Friday, 27 May 2016

A Bloomsbury adventure

Both of us are keen on 20th century writing, art and culture.  Most of the art we love and a good proportion of the books we read are pre 1950.  In reading about the culture of the times, you do notice a number of connections between people; none more so than the so called Bloomsbury set.  Recently we've both been reading a lot about them and I've been struggling through Mrs Dalloway very slowly.  Last week however we had a little Bloomsbury adventure and had a week away to Kent and East Sussex to follow in their footsteps.  I thought I'd share some pictures of our adventure

Knole, Kent.  The seat of the Sackville family and where Vita Sackville West grew up
Sissinghurst, Kent.  The garden created by Vita Sackville West and Harold Nicolson


Monks House, Rodmell, East Sussex.  The home of Virginia and Leonard Woolf
Painting of Virginia Woolf by her sister Vanessa Bell

Virginia Woolf's bedroom
Virginia Woolf's writing room
St Michael and All Angels, Berwick, Mural by Duncan Grant

Berwick murals
Charleston Farmhouse near Firle, the home of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant

At Charleston

At Charleston


  1. What a wonderful trip! I have been to Charleston and Sissinghurst but not explored the others. I loved the Bloomsbury set as a student and so wanted to live a life of art and writing as they did ( but maybe not the tangled relationships!) I'm so glad you had a wonderful time. xx

    1. Thanks Jane, I would definitely recommend Monks House in Rodmell, we love it there and went back again during the end of the week.
