After what feels like months waiting for spring to appear, not only has it begun, but each day the sun is brighter and the buds on the trees and bushes are growing by the second. The birds are singing loudly and even the odd day of cold and rain, the march of spring continues on!
A sunny day in the garden |
Luckily even though it is early April, some afternoons still need a fire to be lit and a blanket to keep cosy under.
I even had time to do some sewing, although I don't quite know what I will do with it yet, it may end up on the patchwork quilt. For some reason the lovely dark green looks brown in this photo.
Here are some of the buds in the garden, I will take some pictures when the bluebells are out properly as well. I love this time of year!
Revive with the warmth and the brightness again,
And in blooming of flower and budding of tree
The symbols and types of our destiny see;
The life of the spring-time, the life of the whole,
And, as sun to the sleeping earth, love to the soul!
John Greenleaf Whittier