I mentioned in my last post that we had seven different roses in our garden. We inherited them all when we moved in - the previous owners had obviously loved them. I have to admit to having had a problematic attiude to roses until recently. Most of the year they look like dry sticks and don't provide any greenery, and only look good for a few weeks in May and June. I've always loved the roses themselves, but they seemed hard work with their aphids and deadheading and need for pruning. I wasn't about to dig them up, but they seemed more work than anything else.
This year has been different though. I've fed the roses early in spring, I've bought organic aphid spray to keep them in check and I've deadheaded more often. And this year they have rewarded me with the most wondrous smelling, beautiful blooms. As an impatient gardener, I am learning a lesson here - some plants need a little more care, a bit more effort and planning in order to produce at their best. I also seem to have fallen in love with roses a little. So I hope you will forgive my indulgence and enjoy these photographs of all seven rose bushes in Hazel Cottage garden:
God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.
James M. Barrie
Sweet spring, full of sweet days and roses, a box where sweets compacted lie.
George Herbert
They are not long, the days of wine and roses.
Ernest Dowson